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1. Intellectual property / Use of the website
All texts, information, contents, logos, graphics, sound, video and animation files published on this website are protected by copyright and brand protection law and other laws pertaining to the protection of intellectual property rights. They may neither be copied, duplicated, modified, published or represented in any other form on the Internet or any other media without the written consent of the provider paprico ag.
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The information and contents on this website are provided without any guarantee whatsoever for their current validity, correctness and completeness.
The provider assumes no liability in any case - also in the case of negligence - for losses or damage (neither for direct nor indirect, nor for subsequent damages), which may derive from access to this website, the use of its contents and information or the linking to third parties and the use of their offers.
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This website is aimed at users residing in Switzerland. Users resident in other countries may use this website only under observance of the legal provisions applicable in those respective countries. Users are themselves responsible for complying with the relevant provisions.
4. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law
Use of this website is subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the domicile of the company paprico ag.