A sharp upswing in sustainable investments has been
seen in recent years due to pressing environmental problems such as climate
change. Companies specialized in new technologies for improving energy
efficiency or in renewable energies have demonstrated favorable growth. Today,
for example, energy suppliers with low CO2 emissions are valued more highly in
the market than industrial enterprises with high CO2 emissions.
Sustainable investments and sustainable management
give investors the opportunity to achieve their social and economic goals while
adding value.
More and more institutional and private investors are
setting such goals. Sustainability is thus becoming increasingly important in
the area of retirement funds and investment vehicles. paprico has helped to position the „New Value“ private equity fund as a sustainable investment
product. As a result, various sustainability analysts have added the company to
their lists, including the sustainable investment universe of Zürcher
Kantonalbank and the investment universes of INrate and oekom-Research.
Private equity offers excellent opportunities for
investors to promote sustainability in their portfolio companies through
first-hand involvement. Through impact
investing, the positive effects of the business can be further increased.
Investing – Investor Involvement
- Participate in corporate strategy development
- Definite of economic, environmental and social
criteria and objectives
- Conduct a sustainability analysis
- Support the implementation of sustainable management
- Receive implementation support from our network of
Investing – Returns for the Investor
- Help develop environmentally and socially responsible
- Create environmental value-added
- Increased value, improved financial performance
- Improved basis for risk management